Group visits to the archive should be booked in advance. A brief introduction session can be provided lasting 30min, or longer, interactive workshops are also possible. The recommended maximum number is 20 for schools, possibly more for adult groups, flexibility being at the discretion of the Projects Officer. Teachers/tutors must accompany their groups.
Make an appointment by emailing putting 'GROUP VISIT' in your subject line, or telephoning .
Visits are dependent on the availability of the archive and research room as researchers have priority.
The typical visit time by a group is 1 - 1½ hours to have the whole museum experience. The recommended maximum number arriving at any one time should not exceed 60 pupils. A teacher/pupil ratio of a t least 1:15 is essential.
It should be noted that when school groups are in the museum, the behaviour of the children or students is the responsibility of the teacher in charge.
When visiting A Study in Sherlock it is advisable to split into smaller groups of 15 - 20 within the galleries to avoid overcrowding.
To enable us to monitor groups of more than 15 wishing to visit the exhibition, please contact Visitor Services - Group Bookings on Portsmouth . Or email
School visits
The exhibition A Study in Sherlock welcomes visits from schools.
Find out more about school visits to the museum.
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