Family and individual visits
Arthur Conan Doyle Collection - Lancelyn Green Bequest
You need to make an appointment to visit the Archive.
Visits to the research room include a short introductory session using the archive's handling collection.
Make an appointment by emailing or telephoning .
Please give a minimum of a week's notice.
A Study in Sherlock: Uncovering the Arthur Conan Doyle Collection
Whatever the weather, ‘A Study in Sherlock: Uncovering the Arthur Conan Doyle Collection’ will encourage your creativity and powers of detection. The wide ranging exhibition has interest for people of all ages with a specially designed section of childrens activities.
The exhibition is open at Portsmouth City Museum, Tuesday - Sunday, 10am - 5pm October - March and 10am - 5.30pm April - September, with free access to all.
Additional activities are organised throughout the school holidays from family activity trails to murky mysteries!
All children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
Watch a message from Stephen Fry
Please answer our short survey
(You could win a copy of Study In Scarlet featuring an introduction by Steven Moffat!)
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